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It’s the Openrice invitation in the town again, and this time, we are so glad to have a chance to experience new Openrice online presence before it’s released to the public. It’s in TST, Dada Bar and Lounge….., hidden in the quite interesting and luxury-design hotel.

When I stepped into the bar, I found it really more like a private salon space with a comfort space of sofas and chairs, a small bar in another chamber. The most interesting, is the paper-made lights hanging on the ceiling, which I took a lot photos of. It’s like a mass, but overall, you will think it’s like a bunch of snowy flowers, and more interestingly, they look alive and moving around. Only some slices of light comes out from the central, purely white, and makes it more mysterious, just matches well to the whole environment with leather sofas, metal intervals, the purples and the reds!


Bar的擺設也沿襲了整件酒店的格調,大量的紫色與紅色充斥整個空間,比起Bar我覺得salon這個名字更適合。空間較為寬敞,擺有大大小小各式仿古貓腳梳化椅及矮凳,Bar counter位於側面的獨立空間。吸引我的是懸掛在頭頂的幾盞紙花吊燈,乍看似是淩亂,實則活靈活現般好似風中搖曳的花骨朵,加之雪白的顏色與中間燈泡中射出的白光,給較暗的空間增添帶來的不止是光線更是一片白茫茫的神秘。

That night they offer a free refreshing wine/ soft drink/ juice. I only tried white wine, which tastes less sweet and drier than usual served ones in other restaurants. Totally five snacks, all salty ones, provided on bar counter.

Potato and Mozzarella Pizza, uses small round biscuit as base, topped with baked potato and mozzarella. It tastes not bad, potato is juicy enough but not freshly sweet.

Beef ball with berry sauce, I have to say it’s a failure, because the texture is too tense and it tastes too dry and hard, while strangely, I cannot find a strong flavor of beef even I can be sure it’s beef-made. Luckily, berry sauce is well done! Fresh and right texture; it has semi-melted berries and a balance of sour and sweet. I even start to drop it to other dishes after.



Fried Salmon Ball, although it’s well fried to be not oily, and personally, I love salmon cooked in any type, again it’s too dry and hard, thus not tasty.

Soft Cheese with Truffle, not bad for the soft cheese is semi-melted inside, producing rich melted cheese in between; the outside white skin is just elastic, and overall dressed by that little drop of truffle, full of truffle salty and fragrance.

Custard, actually I don’t know the exact name of this dish, but just name it by my tasting memory. I can be 100% sure it’s made of egg. With a soft and loose texture, a little similar to Tofu with little holes. In between, you will find some other materials, more or less herbs. The top layer is slightly fried or grilled to be dark golden and tastes a little tough. Overall it tastes like custard, and even not tasty but still good for a try.




Dada Bar + Lounge尖沙咀金巴利道39號帝樂文娜公館2樓

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