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I have mentioned that seafood is one of the highlights on Gulangyu Island; it’s famous by the big size, fresh taste and good price. But to backpackers to be always alone, it’s a challenge for one person to have one complete big conch as snack, so I recommend trying street grills, and it’s also a good choice for a little group of visitors.


Cannot handle garlic, I order grilled oyster without garlic, which looks much less attractive than the normal garlic version, however, the BBQ guy gives me a little sauce to make up the too-much fair taste. Luckily, oyster is super fresh and well grilled by the young guy; the oyster shell totally turns black while oyster on it has not even a little change in color. To send the white oyster into my mouth, it’s just like slipping in; the warm oyster releases by the slightly stress put on it when I close my mouth, you can feel the whole mouth is full of seawater-taste sauce and the oyster is like never been grilled, because the texture is just too fresh and soft. Personally, I do like to have grilled oyster without garlic, coz sometimes garlic is too strong and thus overtakes the original taste of oyster which should be slightly sweet and just fresh.



Then it comes to grilled scallop, still non-garlic. The water in scallop and BBQ oil is merged together when it’s being heated; you can see the edge turns a little yellow. The edge is the only part that gives you a taste of crispy and chewy, and then the other part is all an express of soft, fresh, water, and sweet! Compared with oyster, the central part of scallop is chewier that satisfy you with more realistic experience.


Don’t misunderstand all street food on Gulangyu Island is grilled stuff, actually the next half part I’m gonna introduce you some fresh fruits. The most interesting and special fruit is the one I have forgotten the name of… I only remember it’s sold by moving locals; two to three pieces strung with a wooden stick, very cheap. The funnel-shape fruit is pink outside, but transparently white inside. They do look cute! It tastes similar to pears, soft but a little tough; it’s very juicy like a small water warehouse; it’s not sweet but a little sour, you can describe it fairly tasting, but it’s super fresh and good for thirsty people!


There’s always fresh fruit juice selling point in several steps. With a simple machine, you will have a cup of 100% fresh-made juicy in couple of minutes in a little expensive price ($15-20/cup), but they are all made by order and without any additional; besides, you will grab the opportunity to try carambola juicy which is rare. Along with greased fruity juice, you can also choose coconut drink by just buying a complete coconut with a hole on the top. Of course, it’s not tasty as those coconut drinks you have in the city; it’s less sweet and less milky, but the natural taste with fresh feeling can never by copied by artificial ones!

沒走幾步,又是各式即場現製的鮮果飲品,略顯簡陋的機器不消幾分鐘就有一杯100% 的果汁飲品,售價當然那會稍稍貴些(大約15-20人民幣一杯)但始終是親眼看到的無添加;更何況還能一嘗平日裡不太吃的到的楊桃飲品!同時鮮果汁的攤頭通常也隨帶售賣整隻椰子,即場為你鑿開個隆,插根吸管便有的飲;天然的椰汁當然不必街頭買來的“椰果飲品”那般香甜的厲害,但那份自然甜與清涼爽口之感確是人造飲品怎麼都模仿不來的!

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