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Do you buy the new commercial of Haagen Dazs featured by Bradley Cooper.  I believe it’s nothing to do with the new flavor coz it seems to be so familiar to the ice-cream fans, while I do believe lot girls/ women buy this new flavor for the Italian romantic behind the image.

Some weeks ago, I attended the second new blogger event of Haagen Dazs, again in Hysan Plaza. Summer’s coming, so the theme is Summer Series without doubt. The series opens to fans from June 10. Some are in-store tasting, some are for take-away, including sweet dishes and iced drinks with four new flavors, banana chocolate cake, passion fruit cheesecake, mango and raspberry and salty caramel ice-cream.

無論是否種意Haagen Dazs這個雪糕品牌,最近新播的廣告用上Bradley Cooper 無疑是相當聰明的一招!
幾周前有幸被邀請參加Haagen Dazs的夏日新品試食活動,照例還是在Hysan。整個夏日系列6月初開售,部份只限堂食,整個夏日系列選擇不少,除了多款雪糕甜品之外,也有新推出的夏日特飲,四款新推出的夏日雪糕口味分別有香蕉朱古力蛋糕、熱情果芝士餅、芒果紅桑子以及岩鹽焦糖。

Before the tasting event, cute PR prepares interesting games for bloggers, to guess the ingredients of new ice-cream flavors. Well, it’s an easy task for food bloggers right? And each time, the most exciting moments during event is photographic time for all bloggers, you can see dozens of cameras and phones around displayed dish, and it can last so long! Crazy bloggers.

這次的活動PR也挺有心意,event開始前特意安排小遊戲,讓一眾blogger蒙眼試味,嘗出新口味雪糕中的幾種食材;當然對於一向“胡吃海喝”的food blogger不算個大挑戰。接著便是每次必不可少的照相時間,一瞬間十幾部相機加手機對準展示品一陣“卡擦”,這個舉動若是放到平常環境中,又要嚇壞鄰里了~

Moon Shadow 月影迷情

It’s the plainest appearance with bulgier chocolate, greentea and banana chocolate cake ice creams, forming a banana boat dressed with brownie, fresh fruits and marshmallow, not surprising right?
Flavor same with design, the signage flavor of chocolate and greentea is good but too familiar, the new banana chocolate cake flavor tastes more like vanilla, delicious but again not brand-new. Don’t know which type of brownie you prefer, personally I love any type. Although the brownie cakes are a little dry and tense, I love the strong chocolate taste they have.


Cheese Temptation 芝士誘惑

Good design, simple but balance to full the plate. The maple cheesecake tastes really smooth and soft that you find Haagen Dazs actually is good at making cakes as well. The new flavor, passion fruit cheesecake with strawberry cheesecake can be twin cheesecake-featured ice cream. Both are well matched to the theme of this cheesecake dish, and to choose fresh berry fruits as contrary flavor, you’ll never think it’s too heavy for summer.

不錯的設計,簡單但又錯落有致的將整個方形餐盤撐滿。大理石芝士蛋糕幼滑,芝士味也夠濃重,想不到Haagen Dazs做蛋糕也有一手。新品熱情果芝士餅雪糕配上熱賣的士多卑利芝士餅雪糕,算是芝士雪糕系列的雙寶!兩者均能很好的配合整個甜品芝士的主題,以清新酸甜的果類來造雪糕,也能恰好中和芝士的膩度。

Summer Fiesta 夏日熱情派對

Featured by mango raspberry and summer berry ice cream ball, with three little sorbet (lemon, mango and raspberry) and fruits, it’s absolutely the feast of summer fresh fruits (but I strongly suggest checking the fruits quality for some are not sweet). The two big half-ball ice cream is just so concentrated on fruit flavor, which you will never say NO to it; even you are not a sweet-lover. Sorbet is not my preference, but I do appreciate the good ratio of iced water within them.

以芒果紅桑莓以及仲夏野莓雪糕造成的大球,檸檬、芒果及紅桑莓口味的sorbet,及獼猴桃、菠蘿等鮮果造成的夏日熱情派對,恰如其名是完全的鮮果盛宴。中間的大球雪糕無疑是重點,均有野莓的元素,酸甜清新又醒目,配合milky的口感,軟滑之中不失清新與香滑,即使不愛甜品,也不會拒絕,只是相搭配的鮮果,部份不太甜,吃起來口味平平的)。Sorbet不是我那杯茶,但Haagen Dazs出品的也不賴,水分比例控制的恰當,味濃又有水水的感覺。

Fantasy Eiffel 奇幻艾菲爾

It’s made of salty caramel and bulgier chocolate ice cream; in the middle layer it has brownie, waffle and marshmallow. It has the most changeable one in terms of layer and design; idea similar to parfait. But the taste doesn’t perform good as you see, salty caramel is special enough, while it doesn’t last long; when you finish it, the left ones makes the whole sweet dish a little normal. You cannot say it not tasty, but just fairly presence.


 Summer Mango Paradise 仲夏香芒樂園
Very Berries 非常歡苺派對
Mat Cha Wandering 抹茶愛漫遊

The Tuxedo 情迷燕尾服
The four special drinks in this summer are new for Haagen Dazs as iced drink. You may think it’s like smoothie, but Haagen Dazs insist it’s not. All is made with pure ice cream ball without any additional. The idea is recommended, but the result turns to be a little disappointed. The air and ice blocks mixed into ice cream leads to the decrease of flavor, the worst one is Summer Mango Paradise. It is really hard to find the mango taste in it, and what you have is just an iced glass of melted ice cream water. We will prefer to add some honey or sugar, even they are additional.
The other three is not impressive either, but better than Mango one. At least, the top layers taste strongly matching to the name they have respectively. But when it comes to the bottom layer, you will not consider it a good ending. Besides, among the four, the safest one is greentea, but I love Very Berries.

Overall, it seems a not good tasting experience towards the whole summer series; however, I have to say that I maybe set the criteria level a little bit high.
今夏新推的夏日特飲,有些似smoothieHaagen Dazs強調製作過程中的無添加,以原味雪糕球混以冰塊攪拌而成的特飲,是百分百的認真出品,但似乎出來的結果不盡如人意。猜想是攪拌過程中,冰塊與空氣的比例相對於雪糕過多,以至於整份飲品的口味大打折扣。其中最失敗到要屬仲夏香芒樂園,本期待濃濃的芒果香,誰知入口是淡而無味的,好似化了的雪糕水摻著太多的凍水,即使是有添加物,我也寧願加些蜂蜜糖漿之類。

似乎這是一篇贊少批多的文章,但對於Haagen Dazs這個不算小的品牌,將評價的標準調高些應該也是承受得起的吧?也要多說一句,即使是不太出挑的design或是雪糕口味,撇去出奇出新的苛刻要求之外,口味上Haagen Dazs的出品大家還是不必過多擔心的。


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