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Black & Red Rose

Causeway bay is one of the foodspot in hk, while if you're not a foodie blogger or built-in food-lover, it'll be a hell to find your dinner/lunch point for too much choice! Especially those non-chain restaurants with good environment, good price and good food. Referred by a blogger friend, we went to 'air' restaurant located in central Causeway bay, and the tasting topic of that day is just designed for young consumers preferred reasonable price with not that luxury food quality.

銅鑼灣找一個環境不錯,價格不錯,味道不錯,食材也不錯,若不似一般食友或是blogger那樣愛做功課,實在不容易找到。前些天一位foodie blogger友人搭橋推薦去試了一間樓上餐廳,位置恰巧就在銅鑼灣,試的也恰巧是專為返工一族與年輕消費一族所推出的午市商務套餐。 

Restaurant serves super great birdview and a kind of royal luxury in-deco with crystal lightings, black & red space; seems to 'push' you to be elegant. The restaurant is owned by a group of young passionate people; at the very first time, it's non-public run, while now it turns to be public opening.


In order to attract young consumers, a list of lunch/ business set is offered during lunch time (11am-3pm, 7days), including six main courses pricing around $70-120, including hot/cold drink and no service fee.

爲了惠顧與吸引年輕一族,餐廳也在近期推出商務套餐,午式由11點去到3點,六款lunch set均不于一百蚊港紙上下,配埋一杯飲品,還冷熱同價,總要免收加一,價格上已下一程!

Roy (one of the owners) is really nice, treating each table as old friends, introducing, chatting and listening to customers comments. As he said, the lunch set attracts people by a reasonable price with cost-paired food materials, and try to make everything the best. So, we tried the meal-ending-item as pre-starter, handmade coffee! Good foam with balanced coffee taste.


Garlic toast with potato tata/salad. Cool potato salad on warm crispy toast which is covered by Rosemary, such a fresh  starter, not heavy but impressive. 

Here we goes the 2nd starter, daily salad. The salad looks simple but tastes good. My favorite is the dried baby potato after squeezing out all water to be so sweet tasting and crispy texture. Then is the sauce, not like Italian one, the texture turns out to be heavier and darker, but tastes like Japanese one, a little sweet!!!


Pumpkin cream soup as daily soup that noon, cooked with real pumpkin mixed with cream, texture is smooth and never makes you 'stuck'. The soup tastes lightly sweet with a natural  pumpkin sweety.


Roasted Ox Tongue with Spaghetti. Super hot dish presents light orange look of spaghetti, dressed with attractive pink color OX tongue. Spaghetti is cooked with onion and potato sauce; no much sauce and tastes lightly. The point is OX tongue without doubt! It's soft but chewy; when you chew it, you can feel the little crispy and hard outside compared to super soft inside. I need to emphasize DON'T never overlook the dish with a small 'neck' which turns to be a great container!!! Even I and my friend works on it very hardly, still, it's like just moved out from kitchen.


Roasted New Zealand Rib Eye Steak & Vegetable, uses 10oz steak with middle-level quality (limited by price/cost), medium-cooked by chef to be pink and a little 'bloody' LOL

You'll not accept those too greasy part and the edge part to be not soft enough, but other part is well done; soft and juicy. Spicy chips as paired dish, which is perfect to me! Super hot chips perform as good as those made in star-wearing restaurants. I like the slightly spicy powder covering chips, let me recall street-flavor of Xin Jiang lamp bbqs!! (That's not a good comparison, I know...)


Steak plus never-disappeared spaghetti, opps! We hardly comes to dessert time after nearly 2hs! 4-5 sweet choice on a la carte menu which should be provided in dinner time. This time, two desserts are recommended by another co-owner, Ciaran.

Chocolate Parfait, made of milk chocolate and little whisky. The texture actually has nothing to do with Parfait; a 'fuzzy' type between mousse and ice-cream. When you kick off it, the first thing you do or the nice owner did for us is pour the whole cup of melted back chocolate onto the beautiful dessert. A strong and heavy flavor of dark chocolate with super smooth and... can I use the word, silky? (sorry, an old chocolate commercial just jumps into my brain), on the other side it performs less sweet, but the whisky is not obvious.

10oz的牛扒加上吃也吃不完的意粉,磨蹭了近2個鐘終於到了甜品環節,a la carte的甜品有4-5種選擇,老闆Ciaran推薦的是朱古力芭菲,以朱古力配埋微量whisky製成似雪糕又似慕斯質地的朱古力圓柱,吃的時候更要至上而下淋上熱熔黑朱古力醬,造就冰火效果。黑朱古力醬醇厚而朱古力味濃郁,使得甜度大大降低,whisky扮演尾調的角色,呼應一開始醇香朱古力的甘醇口味,果然是推薦之作。 

Strawberry Mille-feuille, quite a different one with paper-like pastry layer, tastes similar to those top layer of Italian Pizza base. After gradually melting in mouth, a more-paper-feeling turns out which is not bad in fact. Strawberry is fresh; custard is soft also but not heavy, a good control of sweet and creamy. After finishing, no any yummy-dessert-side-effect, happy! LOL


Eden Rose offers a good list of lunch choices, and a street view of Causeway bay; while I think having dinner there will be much better, for better quality and food indigents from a la carte menu (of course much more expensive than lunch set), for the breath-taking nights, and the royal luxury style of restaurant is more suitable to the night, right?  

Eden Rose的lunch set價廉物美,更有居高臨下的銅鑼灣街景陪伴;但個人覺得造訪這間餐廳的時間還是安排到夜幕降臨更佳,除了更有水准的a la carte之外,也可一飽霓虹夜色;加之餐廳紅黑色調的“小奢靡”更似是專為夜晚而設,有機會也要再去試試餐廳的晚市招牌菜。

餐廳: Eden Rose Restaurant

地址: 銅鑼灣軒尼斯道499號永光商業大廈19樓

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