B/F, Hang Shun Mansion, No. 68-82 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel. 25273777
Fax. 25273626
Email. info@rioclub.hk
Mon to Sun. 5pm - 5am
It's a big event of the new opening bar & club in Wanchai, RIO, a combination of stylish & modern with electronic & cool club/bar. Quite big space composes of one big dancing pool and one French-style bar with a long electronic 'space' (tunnel); RIO is quite a big nightlife new spot in Wanchai for night animals, and of course big event like this time, Catwalk Carnival, featuring the new collection of the Hong Kong famour designers, Grace Choi of Yi-Ming and, Kay Wong of Daydream Nation. From the name of the club, it is too easy to tell that the club is defined as a kind of passion and 'hot' like South-America's style. Before the start of Catwalk, we tried the RIO-passion drink (cocktail) at the spacial dancing-club area, which also involves one big bar. Burger platter is also the good choice to kick of the crazy night and prepare for the whole night party.
灣仔的新開酒吧 RIO 是一間結合摩登時尚與電子流行的酒吧,位於底下的酒吧相當有空間感,以一條狹長走道連接兩個截然不同的酒吧區域,紅黑色調為主的酒吧區有小小的法式摩登情懷,高腳座與狹長的水吧兩岸對望,環境較安靜些,適合三五好友吃點送酒小食,聊下天;若是坐久了覺得需要動一動,穿過通道便是以螢光藍為主調的舞池區,同樣配有一個小型水吧,舞池頗為寬敞,踏上一兩節階梯也有少量座位可供中場休息。酒吧供應的雞尾酒頗有南美風情,或是紅豔或是橙黃,用上薄荷與芒果、熱情果等熱帶水果調製而成的雞尾酒極易入口;佐酒小食也頗為豐富,除了一些傳統炸物之外也有迷你牛肉漢堡拼盤,也是值得一試。這一晚受邀參加了在RIO 舉辦的CATWALK CARNIVAL 正巧利用走道與兩個酒吧的空間打造 T 臺效果,幾位模特精彩演繹了兩位知名本土設計師的春季系列。

The dancing-club part is totally separated with the bar area - a smart idea to make good use of basement spacial feature for a club/bar, to cater the two different customers who chases for quiet and crowded atmosphere. The dancing-club area is quite big with two dancing stages for dancers' performance. You can also enjoy the private group chatting and party at the semi-opening area with the bar tables and sofa upstairs and feel free to join the dancing pool crew anytime. That night, the famous young (in teenage age) DJ is invited to add some color for the after-event party after Catwalk.
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