Shop 4009, Level 4, IFC mall, Central, Hong Kong
Tel. 23834008
Fax. 23834080
Mon to Sun. 11am - 11pm
Extra Info:
High-tea Set HK$268 for two | Everyday. 3pm-5:30pm
Happy Hour. 5pm-9pm | Complimentary savoury small bites given upon any drink purchase
GLASS HOUSE opens on 22 January this year, enjoying a breath-taking view of harbour, even in a rainy night, the lights flashing along the harbour is the reason you go for this restaurant. It belongs to the hospitality group GAIA GROUP, which also runs GREY HOUND and other Western/Asian restaurant in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. The restaurant is defined as a causal, playful dining place and also bar. The open kitchen is very similar to the hotel buffet counter; as an L-shape, the bar area is facing to the harbor. The cuisine is mainly Asian, or say Asian Thai cuisine with a number of seafood and fried dishes, while it's twisted by western concept, especially French cuisine. The selection of ingredients is quite emphasized by them, to say, fresh herbs, whole wheat pasta, wild fish, natural grown meats and organic fruits and vegetables. To place your order, you would have a tablet for a preview which is quite helpful. In general, the presentation and taste of dishes are good with warm and kindly service, while still has space to improve, especially you take price as one input for the marking formula.
GLASS HOUSE 是今年一月新開的餐廳,占盡IFC4樓Roof 的地理優勢,擁有大面積玻璃落地窗,即使是陰雨連連的夜晚依舊可以享受海港上璀璨的燈火。餐廳屬GAIA集團,同集團類似的餐廳要屬GREY HOUND了,都是以新派型格餐廳與中西結合的菜式為主打的餐廳。走休閒玩味路線的餐廳即是開飯之地也是把酒暢談的場所,很喜歡開放式廚房的設計,好似酒店自助餐的熱食區域一般,鍋碗瓢盆、瓜果蔬菜、廚師的一舉一動都看得見,呈L字型的另一端則是水吧,享受無敵夜景。餐廳主打亞洲菜,其中又以新派泰菜為主,菜單上有不少泰式特色的海鮮與炸物,同時又融入西式元素,尤其以法式概念為主;餐廳在食物的原料方面特別注重,各種菜式以新鮮有機蔬果、全麥意粉、野生魚類與自然生長的畜類入料;大部份的菜式都有不俗的賣相,有時也加入小小的創意,新奇有趣。Tablet點餐的方式也挺人性化,服務也相當窩心到位,當然,若是將人均消費因素一併考慮,煮食方面尚有改進的空間。

(pandan leaves, coconut cream, condensed milk)
The serious of FROZEN/ZERO ALCOHOL is quite attractive; if you choose more fruit ingredients, it's more like mixed juice, but if you choose the special ones with coconut for example, it tastes like smoothie. I like the interesting idea of PANDAN & COCONUT. It transfers the dessert to the drink, with coconut cream and condensed milk, the drink tastes naturally sweet and milky, a strong flavor of coconut milk but also have little fresh taste of pandan.

It belongs to 'SMALL BITES' on the menu (similar to appetizer). The crab meat is mashed with organic sweet corns and edamame beans, deep-fried to be golden cake, seasoning by black pepper or something similar, it tastes savory and a little spicy in main, sweet from crabs and sweet corns in small.
We didn't think the dish is in a decent presentation, seems it lacks some colors and looks too plain. Those fresh lettuce comes from France by air (as I remember by their introduction), it is, for sure, juicier and even have some sweet after-taste. The fried runny egg is similar to scotch egg as its looking, while it tastes nothing really special. The best part of this dish is soft-shell crab. One bite has both crispy and soft experience and the original sweet of crab is such big comparison to the yummy fried crab shell.
They do have some grilled dishes (beef, lamp, chicken, fish, etc), and the lamp chop is quite good. It's not big potion while it's big idea inside. Grilled lamp chop is well-done with super tender texture. The dressing sauce is quite interesting, to say it's pesto, but actually it's house-made with coriander and ginger, so with the lamp, it's quite strong input to the overall flavor. The mashed potato as base is a big surprise to us, coz we recognize that flavoring by Wasabi is a cute and good idea, making ordinary potato tastes a little spicy, meanwhile fresh and sweet.
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