Christmas is only one day festival, while we could have parties in the whole December, even early in November. Another happy weekend coming, this time we choose CEO in Sugar Street as our Xmas Party site. The K-room for around 10ps is big enough and comfortable with an inside washing room. The space could afford us to play Xmas special games. That night, we have K-buffet, chips& fruits, and each one could order two non-alcohol drinks; totally costs $250 per person, should be reasonable. Unfortunately, I could not find my songs in Neway's database, so the only thing I could do and do well is... EAT!
The providing of fruits and chips depends on the number of persons each room, anyway, even buffet ends after 10pm, we will not starve through the whole night. I found chips has much large attraction to all of us compared to those hot dishes in buffet area!! Does it tastes much better? OR each one just don't want to take off their microphone? LOL
自助餐區位於二樓的大廳,甜品、花茶與環球美食分為兩個區域,CEO的熱食做的應算是不差,至少在供應數量與品種上來說是豐富的。熱食區的前半區集合多款沙律,自助的凱撒沙律配上多款醬汁,拌好的東南亞風味,或是傳統薯仔水果沙律也都一應俱全;海鮮方面只有最簡單的甜蝦與煙三文魚,不算太受歡迎;樓梯下方的北京烤鴨,是CEO buffet的特色之一,有師傅現場切片然後配上蔥絲以及青瓜絲,包入熱乎乎的薄餅中淋上甜醬,是比較少見的菜色,一定要試;
Buffet area is on 2nd floor, desserts&tea are separated to hot dishes. The overall quality of CEO's buffet is ok; at least they provide rich choices of foods to you. Salad count has several types of salad, including Caesar salad which you make yourself, and other pre-prepared ones like potato salad or fruit salad. Seafood only has shrimp and mussels, very simple. The Beijing Roast Duck count is the one You Can Not Miss! There's a server cutting slices of duck meat for you and, he will also roll some slices of cucumber and scallion with meat together; accompanied with some sweet sauce, it tastes really good.
Most of Chinese hot dishes are in the center, including all cooked ways like roasted, steamed, cooked, fried... also includes several Chinese/western noodle or fried rice, eg. cheese pasta. You must be almost full after tried all hot dishes. The most impressive dishes are fish-related ones; some are steamed, some are fried. All tastes really soft and the fish could absorb the sauce very well.
刺身壽司區總是能看到人龍,需要向師傅order且每次也有數量限制,供應的也是較為大路的品種,三文魚、吞拿魚是最受歡迎的,當然也有不少人order 壽司以及手卷;
The must item is sashimi and sushi in Japanese count, with normal choices like salmon and tuna and, the long queue is always there for each one could order limited dishes each time.
In the back area of hot dishes area, they have East-Asia foods; most of them are curry or Laksa tasting; they have Chinese soup as well. I tried one Chinese soup with apple, which is so special and unfamiliar to me, since I'm not born in the area where soup is a tradition. Although I know pear could be one element for soup, I rarely have this kind of soup. Therefore, it's really the first time for me to have a soup with apple! To my surprise, the taste of this soup with apple is super balanced, lightly salty and with an original smell of mushrooms; what's important, the apple doesn't tastes like apple, even not like cinnamon in some desserts. The other side is for noodles which you could choice what you want and cook by yourself.
甜品區供應的蛋糕等都是小小件,也有麵包布甸以及幾款啫喱,更可自製pancake來玩;試了第一輪的幾款蛋糕,其中carrot cake以及brownie是最為滿意的,布朗尼造的濕軟,口感綿密,朱古力味濃郁,另一款插上可愛紅蘿蔔的carrot cake 不但樣貌有趣,口味也不差,鋪上薄薄一層cream 帶有微微酸甜芝士味的蛋糕口感亦是軟綿,好似海綿蛋糕般鬆軟卻又多了些胡蘿蔔的粒粒層次,密度也因為略高於普通海綿蛋糕濕度的關係而略大,不會過甜卻夠香濃;芝士蛋糕以及抹茶蛋糕就平平,干身又風味不足;麵包布甸是我必吃的甜品,質地有些稍稍過濕,甜度也稍大,不過依然不失其濃郁奶香。花茶區有簡單幾種花茶熱飲,一旁的侍應也會準備現焗的迷你心太軟。
Desserts are all small size with around 7-8 kinds, even jelly and bread pudding. Children could play with pancake machine to create their DIY flavor. Among all the cakes I tried that night, carrot cake & brownie ranks the highest. Brownie is moist with strong chocolate tastes; carrot cake has a really cute appearance for the little carrot on the top, letting me image I become a little rabbit. With a thin layer of cheese cream, it tastes lightly sweet with a mixed feeling of carrot and sponge cake; others are not that good. Bread pudding is must item for me, but that night, it tastes over sweet and moist. Tea site offers 2-3 kinds of hot flower tea, and the server is preparing mini molten chocolate cake.
餐廳: CEO Neway
地址: 銅鑼灣糖街2-8號
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