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Le French May is a kind of the hot topic in Hong Kong with French gourmets, wines, arts… In the middle May, being invited by one of my friend who has booked a dinner in one little French bistro nested in Central, hidden in the narrow lane.

Les Fils a Maman, quite an interesting restaurant name, means mother’s sons. It’s not hard to figure out the owner wants to bring homemade French gourmets and a warm and nice family environment when dining or drinking there.

Le French May Menu, offers a special dinner Bourgaogne (a region of central France) on 15th of May with “Domaine du Chardonnay” wine tasting. Of course, you can order any other a la carte dishes, and there's no fixed set of appetizer or main course, which makes different group of people feel free to skip appetizer/ desserts/ or even main course. The special menu is written on a blackboard, totally 10 dishes including all. And you can find those famous keywords, Burgundy, Coq du vin, Beef Burgundy, Chardonnay and Bourgaogne.


Les Fils a Maman 餐廳的名字直白又有意思,直譯過來就是“媽媽的兒子們”,如此便一點都不難估出餐廳並非易法國高級料理為賣點,相反供應的是最淳樸最家庭式的媽媽手藝。當晚的特別餐牌以法國中部地區Bourgaogne 風味配上 Chardonnay出產的葡萄酒;當然,常規餐牌也一起提供,且並非似出面特別餐牌就一定會指定2-course或3-course那樣的安排,這裡的選擇就自由得多,skip佐任何一環都沒問題。Special Menu的菜式均寫在黑板上,一共十道菜(包括甜品)。

Passing through the narrow lane, and passing several similar little bistro, you will find this French restaurant & bar in the bottom with a dark and red atmosphere. The entrance is so narrow to allow one person to pass. While the transparent glass window all around the restaurant gives you a good look of inside from outside and outside from inside. Both dining and drinking space is limited, and the former one is just around the later where one of the sons stands inside and serves wines and cocktails almost all night. I really like those up and down paintings, boards, pots and cups, cooking books decorating the wall. Don’t think it’s a mass, actually a right position of mass stuff can give a perfect result.

Quatre Fils- four owners has the clear working role, one for bar, two for dining area and it's hard to see the last one!? It's not like a dining place, to the contrary, it's more like a private cuisine, where old friends gather together with wines and good foods. The most impressive is, the passion of the owner, who treats every customers like old friend, talk to them so straightforward.



Burgundy style garlic and herbs snail quiche, baked to be a cute round quiche dressed with some herbs in plate. It smells really attractive with a mix of egg and butter; the pastry skin is crispy and thin to be several layers overlapping, those layers inside is soft like starchy. A balanced taste inside which is juicy and never let you disappointed.

Burgundy style garlic and herbs snail quiche香噴噴的端上桌,模樣不敢恭維,實在很家庭;超大一個quiche周身被層層疊疊的酥脆酥皮蓋住,餐盤周圍則圍住一圈點上不少黑醋的生菜葉,稍稍湊近,牛油與雞蛋的香味隨著陣陣的暖氣直撲過來;切開更是熱氣直冒,靠裡層的酥皮吸收了熱氣與水氣變得軟軟韌韌,口感略帶彈性,底下則吃到一層厚厚的燉蛋底,鮮咸味濃配上點點蒜香。

Eggs meurette with salmon and crispy mesclun, poached egg and salmon dressed with fresh salad herbs. "Mesclun is a salad mix of assorted small, young salad leaves which originated in Provence, France"- Wiki. Egg meurette, another traditional French cuisine, which is poached egg in a red wine sauce; for me, it's not strong alcohol tasting but you do feel a little different flavor besides the so fresh taste of egg which is al dente to form but soft. Salmon is not outstanding while overall is a recommended salad, with special flavored sauce and a lot fresh vegetables.


Coq du vin, chicken cooked with wine, mushrooms, garlic and tomato. Main course need some time to be prepared, and you will have a pot of chicken drumstick with a little skin. Those semi-melted tomato is as big as chicken drumsticks, while I prefer tomato much more, coz the texture is super soft, just molten in the mouth and it absorbs as much sauce as possible to be super tasty. On the other hand, chicken is a little overcooked, thus it's less tasty and tastes a little dry and rough. 

白酒燉雞煲以雞錘、白酒、蘑菇、香蒜與土豆燜煮而成,作為一道主菜烹調的時間不短,不過慢工出細活,雞錘燜的入味十分;整個雞煲收汁剛剛好,連著些雞皮的雞錘不會滑膩膩,只可惜似乎有些over cook 雞肉鞋口;相比較,我更喜歡雞煲內的燉土豆多一些,土豆燜煮的酥軟卻依然保持住完整的形態,口感更不用說,吸收了滿滿的湯汁,雞汁配上香草與香蒜的,最簡單不過的組合總是能給人帶來驚喜。

Blackcurrant and white choc 2 layer mousse, dessert is always the main role for girls and this night we have berry and white chocolate mousse decorated with mint leaves. It's a dessert for two, personally, for its really not small size. The look is impressive with those snow-like white chocolates on the top. The first layer is mixed with berries to be purple color, and tastes 50-50 sour and sweet, very fresh and of course, very berry! Then comes to the super sweet white chocolate mousse, which has a smooth and scattered texture molten in the mouth slowly but a strong pure white chocolate flavor from the beginning to the end! Love it so much and must try!


Rose Blanc, Sparkling and Red Wine, narrowly forget to write the wine part! Rose Blanc is from regular wine list, which caters woman who prefer sweet ones, but I really like it for the floral sweet and tastes similar to sparkling which is right for kicking off the night.

There's no never-ending dinner, either that night. While the special gift of rainbow-color soft candy is really a good way to say Salut!

是夜的特色餐牌配埋兩款酒,略帶果酸味的香檳配埋前菜,去到主菜時便有入口溫潤同樣有些果漿口味的紅酒相襯,但其實我更喜歡等朋友時從酒牌上單點的Rose Blanc,口味近似香檳,以玫瑰最為主調,最適合女生,當然也適合點亮精彩一夜!


Les Fils a Maman
Website: (recommend to read, interesting!)
Address: LG/F 75 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2871 0045

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