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Home-style Italian 'Inn' | PASTA INN | SHANGHAI

Pasta Inn, a little Italian restaurant opened by a Shanghai family, locates on Si Nan Road. Far way from the noisy Middle Huai Hai Road, to keep quiet. Glass door with metal structure, while curtain cover everything inside. Passenger is rarely recognize this opening eat-in place when passing by it quickly.  


The in-door decoration is closed to the elegant French & Italian style, while it's not a star-wearing restaurant with famous chef or owner, the overall looking is very simple and normal. Wooden floor, wooden tables and chairs, white wall with painted, that's all. It's re-decorated based on an old style of Shanghai 'Shi Ku Men', thus it has two separated space, one dinning area, and another inside as smoking-free area.

The menu is impressive to give you full list of choices, from appetizer to dessert, and even wine. Hot Chocolate, is recommended, while it's quite fair personally. Not hot enough, and texture is not creamy enough either, the chocolate-taste is not strong and like the real melted coco- and chocolate. White Wine, is better unexpectedly, tastes slightly sweet and just can paired to a light dinner that night.


Caesar Salad, as the starter, quite typical Chinese Caesar with smoked ham (thinking the ham is purchased from supermarket, those plastic packaging ones), and salad sauce just too liquid. Lettuces is fresh while again too 'juicy'. The only good is tasting fresh and balanced.


Grilled Cod Fish, as main course, grilled equals to fried? confused... Fried cod fish is fair, deep fried makes it too dry, while the fish inside is although very soft but not fresh enough. Luckily, it's not oily, makes you feel light. Paired with Thai sauce, sweet and a little spicy, that's much better than before. Grilled vegetables with garlic sauce, that's not my choice, but the chips is good! Spicy and super hot, soft inside and crispy outside, really perfect cooking!

主菜點了一份煎鱈魚,上桌即可傻了眼,煎原來是炸的意思啊。。。半成品的魚扒肉外面裹上炸粉,炸的功夫也麻麻,口感偏幹,好在油分不多,吃起來較為輕盈,調味方面全靠搭配的泰式甜辣醬,配菜本就是grilled加上garlic 不是我那杯茶,且口感實在水撲撲的厲害,不太接受那樣質地的蔬菜,整碟正最出色的反倒是炸的金黃中又帶些猩紅的薯角,熱騰騰的一口咬下外脆內軟,帶著恰好的油分口感也潤,油炸過的澱粉在油分的催化下發出誘人的香氣配上微辣的調味粉,口味一流。

Spaghetti with Cuttlefish sauce is paired only cheese and onion slices. Spaghetti is chewy while the sauce seems too light, whatever texture nor taste.

A home style Italian 'Inn' with comfortable deco and warm service from restaurant owner, a 40/50 like 'uncle', although the food is fair and have a lot space to improve, the price is very nice to even under-graduates. To be honest, I didn't expect a lot to this restaurant before I went there, but I do expect a lot to the specially Shanghainese welcome style from the owner or the servers. The result turns out to be good, that I appreciate a lot from the owner's service style, like an old friend disputes with you on something serious, but actually you two have a really friendship!



餐廳:Pasta Inn
地址:上海市盧灣區茂名南路132號 132 Maoming South Rd, Luwan, Shanghai, China

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