M&S Hong Kong opens its biggest food store (Food, Wine & Cakes) in Central, right along the Hollywood Road and in Soho Area. In the past several years, I just noticed M&S is bringing its full product line to Hong Kong market as its real 'face' of big shopping mall. Food store of M&S is an interesting place to explore to me and most of Hongkongers; it is similar so much to the one Hongkongers are familiar with, City Super, while sometimes, I can make some good deal in M&S. And this post is just about the rich selection of chips in M&S, and part of content will be posted on the new issue of 細味.
瑪莎香港全港最大的食品專門店五月末在中環的中心地帶開張營業,從一開始的成衣製品與鞋履到部份食品酒類商品,再到之前新加入的化妝護膚產品線,香港的瑪莎慢慢地將真正的“瑪莎”(百貨公司概念)帶入香港市場。逛瑪莎的食品專門店有種與逛 City Super 似曾相識的感覺,但細心找找便能發現不少物美價廉的好東西!這一篇博文就來講講瑪莎的薯片大軍,文章的一部份也會以中文的形式出現在細味的新刊中,大家記得去7仔瞅瞅 :)
As my memory, Chips/Crisps & Tacos are both available there, of course, there are more types of crisps except those flavors; thick-cut with wave-shape, hand cooked, reduced fat, full flavored, mixed flavors package. Small package around 45g with the cost of 15HKD around, and normal package of 150g is in the range of 28-40HKD.
The special point of those chips to me is the special flavors and ingredients. I just bought 3 packages for comparison; one normal package of reduced fat crisps and 2 of hand cooked ones. The flavors are 4 Cheeses & Red Onion, Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar, Lightly Sea Salty Potato crisps. All the ingredients are clearly stated on the back of package with some attention for allergic reminders. No artificial colours, favourings or added MSG, using sunflower oil and sea salt. That's exactly the extra part you pay for the not-cheap price. Anyway, to me, crisps is a kind of poison, so I'm willing to pay a higher price for a smaller package so that I can control myself to consume as less as I can :P
Hand cooked line uses different seasons of British potatoes, and thinly sliced with skins to create a crispy & tasty effect, however I find some of them are totally the opposite of 'crispy', interestingly tender. I prefer the Vinegar one (blue package) to the original one (red package); the vinegar favouring is just at the right point, not too sour or salty (also with sea salt), very fresh and tasty.
Among 3, the favorite is 4 cheeses & red onion without doubt. It's thickly cut with wave shape. Super crispy and rich chewy texture, besides you will the non-fully fried potato layers in the middle of each piece, so that you will have a original potato taste in both flavor and texture. Four dried cheeses are Cheddar, Red Leicester, Mozzarella and Mascarpone; on the top of each piece there are dried parsley 'decos'. The rich flavor is an expression of mixed cheeses, onion or shallot; slightly sweet at first bite, and rich cheese and savory gradually. It's reduced fat in the oil level and production way, so that the taste would be a little drier than normal ones.
Crisps are the best friend of home theater (personally point of view) with a glass of wine or a big cup of iced beer! But girls, crisps are also the killer of fitness and healthy, so what I do is 'preserve' all my crisps in the transparent container. To keep them fresh and crispy and, the more important is, to keep you noticed about how much you take every time :D
Kinwick Centre Food Store
1/F, Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
Mon to Fri. 7.30am - 10pm
Sat & Sun. 8am - 10pm
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