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Why HK don't have Mister Donut?! | MISTER DONUT | SHANGHAI

Donuts 是我每每回上海必食之物,實在可惜香港沒有美仕唐納滋的分店,讓我長時間想念那些造型可愛,選擇多多,彈牙又甜蜜好食的圈圈們。

Donuts is the must sweets every time back home. Still cannot figure out why there's no Mister Donut in Hong Kong. I always miss Mister's colorful, cute, and chewy donuts so much.

美仕唐納滋的分店上海有不少,大多都集中在大型shopping mall的美食區,每次想要拎返一盒或是買一個來解解饞都分外吃力,要突破里三層外三層的人牆實在不是件易事。這日倒是被我找到一間完全有時間讓你慢慢挑選的鋪子,地點位於中山公園7號口底下層的入口處,店鋪雖不大但也配有大大大個櫃檯,裏面擺滿五彩繽紛的圈圈,除了外帶,店鋪也有為數不多的幾個堂食位子,實在是鬧市中不太容易找到的好地方。

There's a lot branches in Shanghai, and of course, most are in city center; thus it is such hard work to purchase one box from those shopping mall counters rounded by people. Luckily, I found one shop hiden in B1 floor near Zhong Shan Park Station, Exit 7. What you have is not only a full counter of beautiful donuts, but some chairs for you to eat-in.


Pon de Lion, one kind of donuts (pon, guess it's French), and build-in animal character. Pon has a chewy texture while less greasy and sweet than traditional donuts. Guess Pon is best sell type, coz you will find a rich selection of flavor of Pons, such as strawberry, milktea, coco & coffee, green tea, yogurt, caramel and even salty one - Japanese flavor. The other type is more French with a more cake-like texture.


Normally I will buy a box of 6 (regular size), totally 30RMB around, such a good deal. If you want to try more flavor, suggest to buy one mini Pon box with 3 flavor chosen randomly; and you will find it have a super cute package.

歐蕾,應該是台灣人對於奶茶的叫法吧?個人覺得口味介於雲呢拿與奶茶之間,芬迪的口感不多述,來說一下薄薄那層歐蕾topping;稍有熱度topping 會有些融化,甜度不算高,奶香也不突出,但吃起來卻跟微甜的芬迪圈很夾,有股清幽的奶茶香氣;抹茶是熱門口味,一貫的綠茶清香,配以恰到好處的甜度,雖然知道甜甜圈的熱度頗高,但吃完一個都不會覺得滯澀。


Milktea/ Milk, reading this Chinese name, I figure out it's French-Chinese: Au Lait!! Personally, it's a such ordinary flavor, between vanilla and milktea. Topping is not much, and easy to melt in heated status. Although milk is not that featured, I do love its balanced taste, especially not too sweet or say, naturally sweet. Mocha/ Green Tea is always a 'hot' flavor, a light tea smell with lightly sweet taste. Even you know clearly that donuts are high-calorie food, you can never resist it!!!

Again! When Hong Kong will have the 1st store of Mister Donut?

餐廳:美仕唐納滋 Mister Donut
地址:中山公園地鐵站7號出口B1層入口處 B1 Entrance of Zhong Shan Park Station, Exit 7

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