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Judy's Cafe bistro & lounge bar is located in the core area of Gulangyu Island, Xia Men, but not a hot spot among so many travels and visitors working around or passing 4-5 times per day. I cannot figure out why, the price? the quality? the service? or just coz it's an European style cafe? Thinking that, if it's open in Hong Kong, some places like Sheung Wan, it might be another 'holy place' for many Hong Kong food-followers or shiny-weekend-lifestyle lovers.

Like most old buildings on the island, this one is also in a old but classic western style of 3 floors, which the ground one is super high while the other two is normal or even a little bit lower. All the furniture is wooden (whatever real or artificial) with those countryside-feel 'pillow', paintings, cups and pots, even a simple business card is so sweet.

Judy's cafe bistro & lounge bar位於廈門鼓浪嶼島的腹地,但似乎並不如週邊商鋪那般成為過往遊客的踩腳點,即使約莫估計一個遊客會在同一地方經過4-5次!我猜不出背後的原因,定 價?食物?服務?亦或是大家不喜歡歐風cafe?若是這樣的cafe在香港,尤其是中上環一帶,想必又能掀起一陣風。


There's 3 4-seat tables downstairs which suits a group of friends or a small family well, while I prefer to 'climb' onto higher space for special view or discover something. 

Result turns out to be good! I 'residents' myself on 2nd floor, which is re-built from a compartment area. Below the white steps, it's a table of stuffs which I consider it as staff's storage space, but it's clean and tiny. Besides, and along the edge like a indoor terrace, there's a bar-style table for 4 people (slim person I think). Behind is a open cabinet of glass crafts collection, and they are on sale. 

It's just a dream place for your own.



I really love to sit there and observe every moment downstairs, now I understand why teacher always says 'Don't think I cannot find what you are doing under your desk, I can catch every movement from this high stage.' LOL

It's an European cafe & restaurant offers almost every category of light food. Salad and Pasta is main course as western food, but not like Hong Kong people so accustomed to western food, Chinese still prefer Chinese food, or at least Chinese-Western food. Thus, it still offers a lot snacks with a flavor catered to Chinese. And price is just over middle level a little, and of course in RMB. Roughly 30-40 something per drink and 50-100+ something per main dish.

Anyway, what you can never miss, especially you haven't bought some tans of tea as souvenir, is the special Flowerstea (The Chinese name is just too cute, to be '花草茶事')! It's very simple to make, when I bought a lot tans of tea back to Hong Kong, and now have them everyday in office, just 'TEA & HOT WATER'. But the flavor is super awesome!!! The one they offer, is special mixed tea with Rose & & Chamomile & Lavender & Rosemary. You can find dried flower leaves and some dried grapes in your cup, but it smells like a cup of yogurt, maybe fresh raspberry or blueberry flavor. When you are drinking, you can feel nothing but sour and refreshing, and a feel of toxic-out something from your throat to the inside.



各種特色飲食中,不可錯過的必然是花茶,也是島上熱賣的手信之一,而在店內便可先一飲為快。店裡的招牌花茶有個很切合的名字“花草茶事”,由風乾後玫瑰、 洋甘菊、薰衣草及迷迭香調合而成,以滾水炮製簡簡單單就是一杯養身怡神的熱飲。茶色呈紫紅色,口感相當溫潤,香氣尤為突出,老遠就能聞到陣陣近似果茶的香味,帶著微微的酸甜;飲一口,談不上四味花草的風味,只是覺得很像藍莓乳酪的果茶版,很酸卻不刺激,相當清新,飲著有種淨化的感覺。

Caesar Salad pairs well to early dinner. And it's like a slightly grilled Caesar salad which includes rich types of vegetables. What I want to emphasis is olives, potato, boiled egg and the sauce.

* Olives tastes not too strong, which caters Chinese well; very soft, and giving a salty taste.
* Potato is fair, actually they are fresh and juicy but not sweet.
* Boiled egg is really impressive. Pure white and light yellow, tastes softly, and a not-over-strong flavor of yolk.
* Sauce is mixed with two originals, olive oil & sesame salad sauce/ thousand island sauce (similar). They are absolutely not home-made, but they both perform good. The olive oil is 'greasy', and the sesame salad sauce is sour but tasty. A chemical effect of both turns out to be fresh and moist; you will never feel to be eat like a cow preparing for her milk...

Overall, it's a nice place to spend 1-2 hours, especially it's quiet and a little home feeling. I strongly recommend to 'occupy' the 2nd floor if you are not a bunch of people. The food, I cannot give too much comments, coz I only have the most traditional salad, but TEA you must try!



Shop: Judy's Cafe - bistro & lounge bar
Opening hour: 08.30-01.30
Address: No. 176 Longtou Road, Gulangyu Island, Siming District, Xiamen, China
Tel: 0592 2918371


Just find that, Judy's Cafe is a brand name, the owner has Judy's Cafe (the 1st one) and bistro (the one I comment above) and the Inn!!!

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