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Hysan Shop
Shop 625, 6/F, Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel. 25045500
Sun to Thur. 11am - 10pm
Fri & Sat. 11am - 11pm

Tim Sha Tsui Shop
Kiosk 1, Level 4, The ONE, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Tel. 31884441
Mon to Sun. 11.30am - 10pm

CHEESESS. Facebook 

Afternoon, what to do? No.1 choice: Afternoon tea 
For girls, guessing sweets/cakes would be their first choice, and in Hong Kong, a place filled with diversified cuisine, dining/afternoon tea, sweets/desserts culture, it is not difficult to find a good place to re-charge you in the lazy and sleepy afternoon. Hysan Plaza in Causeway Bay offers quite rich sweet choices; and today I would like to introduce their CHEESESS TEA SETS. TEA for ONE ($58) or TWO ($108), include Teacup or Cheese Chunks or Cheesess Mini (cakes) with Drink. Cheesess features its light-taste cheese cakes following the typical style of Japanese cheesecake, which is smooth, light, and less-condensed.

悠長下午時段有什麽事可做?第一選擇便是下午茶。對於女孩子而言,下午茶儼然已成為一種善待自己、取悅自己的方式,通常能觸發幸福化學信號的甜物便順理成章成為下午茶的不二主角,而在香港這個飲食文化盛行的城市,要找一個打發慵懶下午時段的好地方並不難。銅鑼灣的希慎廣場便有不少好去處,這日下午路過 Cheesess 發現他們也有下午時段的甜品加飲品套餐(一人份港紙58,二人餐108)便要來試試。記得初嘗他們家的藍莓芝士蛋糕便留下相當不錯的印象,改良版的日式芝士蛋糕,芝士味更濃郁,但不會似意大利芝士蛋糕那般厚重,也不似美式芝士蛋糕那般甜膩,口味更清新,口感則輕巧、順滑。



Teacup and Cheese Chunks are two interesting items with creative looking, especially the cheese chunks with three cheese cubes in the waffle bowl, dressing with handmade berries jam or others as your selection. The cubes look and taste like tofu, slightly frozen texture, giving you a fresh cool, slowly-melting and cheesy taste; handmade berries jam has a natural and fresh flavor and the fruity sour taste is well matched with cheese. Do not worry about heavy after-taste feeling, coz the crispy thin waffle not only offers a “crack-crack” experience but also absorb cheesy and sweet flavor. Cheesess mini has Mini Macchiato, Triple Summer Berries and Chestnut Cloud; each of them looks attractive. The “melting” looking of purple/pink topping is never too good to the name of TRIPLE SUMMER BERRIES!!! It composes two mousse parts, upper one is a mixed of berry and cream cheese; under it is purely light cheese mousse. The flavor is added up while in all, it tastes fresh and balanced in cheese and fruit-sweet. The fresh red strawberry is hidden in the center, giving a big surprise to us; it looks like a burning fire buried deeply underground but its function is totally opposite to ‘fire’, to be iced and fresh taste, more like ice!

As to the drinks, coffee and green tea are both not bad choices, while I prefer a cup of flat white; you have enjoyed the sweet life, want to escape the bitter part? Com-on it’s not fair :P

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