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To be a single blogger, it’s so strange to attend a wedding open day right? Anyway, having a chance to see the wedding ceremony in Hong Kong is not bad. The wedding open day is host by Gold Coast Hotel in Tung Men, with some wedding service companies.


Gold Coast hotel is an ideal place for its small and big green garden with good harbourview, of course I mean an outside and Western-style wedding. The fantastic lightings in the hall are the most impressive, even it’s raining outside, and the hotel have the backup plan for indoor ceremony. Wedding services include makeup, dresses, photography and all-in-one wedding packages. And the most interesting one is, having married registration in wedding, not like traditional Chinese style. The registered lawyer will be on-site and act as wedding host to lead the couple to married process.


The whole wedding ceremony is displayed by real models and lovely children that day, from exchanging the wedding rings to speaking out the love words, and wedding cake is a must too. Then we have a visit around dream wedding garden. The lively green grass is attractive after rain. The hotel is just along the harbor, that a good harvourview is another present for wedding. Interestingly, the trees are cut to round shape and the flowers in the garden are all in a romantic way. Another garden wedding session has pumpkin carriage that every girl dreams about; and the couple can walk through the straight white lane among the family and friends, to the pure blue fountain.

整個open day的婚禮展示以真人模特走足全過程的形式,還有兩位分量不小的花童,可謂精心準備;婚禮的每一個環節也都不馬虎,交換戒指、宣誓、切蛋糕樣樣備齊。接著便由酒店人員帶著參觀室外的dream garden,雨後更顯蔥翠的草坪一入眼便讓人感到無限生機,而酒店得天獨厚的一條沿著港灣的走廊,將平靜的港灣以及大大小小的遊艇盡收眼底,也是一大優勢。園中所有的擺設都以純白為主,婚禮儀式的地點當然就是白色圓頂的亭子下,而一對新人也可選擇童話般的白色南瓜車或是慢慢走過被綠色植被攀爬住的白色走廊,哪一種都是浪漫非常。

A good wedding must have a good party with good foods and drinks. There’s a super huge hall for western style party with buffet and standing-tables. Beside the entrance, the cute fake cupcakes are just saying “hello” to everyone; the choices of foods is rich with both salty and sweet snacks. Tarts and pancakes are main sweets, dressed with different fruits and cream. The salty snacks include fried ones and cold ones. I love cheese (you know that), and they do offer good one. Chocolate cream lemon tart is special to be, for its sweet chocolate mixed with sour lemon sauce. The real snacks must be those chips and shrimp chips!!! That’s the main role of party, which recalls the crazy party time in childhood that several friends have chips and coca in front of TV with all-night movies and gossip.

一場成功又難忘的婚禮必定少不了豐盛的美食與美酒。酒店的巨大ball room稱為豪華一點不為過,水晶燈將整個空間照的通亮,配合西式婚禮的元素,設置buffet的就餐形式,客人以及新人可在這個寬敞的空間內,自由穿梭,讓人不禁聯想到電影里舞會的橋段。入口處的杯子蛋糕裝飾架精緻也夢幻,一桌子的美食佳餚覆蓋中西小食,咸點甜食一樣不缺,都是小小個,擺設也錯落有致。鹹食中我偏好芝士,軟芝士配上稍稍的流心,吃在嘴裡是淡淡的奶香與軟滑的口感;朱古力檸檬撻是甜食中較為特別的,可可曲奇味的撻身香甜略帶朱古力味,與中間酸甜的檸檬餡形成一天一地的對比,口味特別又突出。派對中最不可少的必定是薯片與蝦條,讓人回想起學生時代捧著一大袋一大袋的零食,外加可樂,擁在電視機前看碟片或是聊八卦的閒散時光。

Overall, the idea of western wedding and outdoor dream garden is super awesome for young couples, but I doubt how’s their grandparents thinking? Maybe they still prefer the Chinese traditional one. But from young generation point of view, we do hope to have a real western-style wedding party, with buffet, sun and winds, music and dance, and most importantly, standing instead of seated.


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